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Distance Learning

2020-2021 School Year 4th Grade

I taught only distance learning from August 2020-February 2021 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. I taught both distance and hybrid from March-May 2021, due to changes in county regulations. I utilized the Schoology management system to post assignments and provide feedback. I created math lessons on PearDeck using the Everyday Math curriculum for the 4th grade teacher team.


These two images show my Schoology Home Page. I made Schoology more student-friendly by creating hyperlinked images.


The linked images take students to important websites, or folders, assignments, or resources within my Schoology page.

Click the Pear Deck image below to experience one of my Pear Deck lessons from the perspective of a student.

Pear Deck.png

The image below shows an example schedule from Distance Learning. As the schedule changed throughout the year, I provided an updated version to students. This schedule helped students stay organized and accountable for their learning.


Spring 2020- 3rd Grade

In March 2020, schools switched to Distance Learning for increased safety during the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. I used the Google Classroom platform for teaching, posting assignments, and providing feedback to my students. I taught asynchronously and synchronously. I also had "scavenger hunt" days to build community and provide a fun activity for the students. Additionally, I did daily Social-Emotional check in activities with students to make sure they were doing well given the extreme circumstances. I used platforms such as Nearpod, Google Suite, FlipGrid, Youtube, and Screencastify for the virtual teaching and learning process. 

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